Friday, June 27, 2014

Little People, BIG Changes!

Happy Friday Feel Gooders!

I am sure most of you like me have a hard time logging into the web or social media, or even turning on a TV for that matter without hearing a little something about futbol (That’s soccer for us American wankers) and the world cup. I’m not a soccer fan; I’m not really even a fan of sports, but I am huge a fan of making positive changes in the lives of impoverished kids.

I ran across this video amongst the soccer/futbol hysteria that is currently going on and it touched my heart. Ethan King, who is only 14 years old, traveled to Mozambique (Africa) in 2009 where he was working with his father on other charitable work, on water wells. Ethan, made a discovery about something that touched his heart when he was able to make a huge difference in the lives of the children there simply by giving them a soccer ball.

Ethans Web site:

“I’ve discovered that many kids in poor countries want to play soccer, but they can’t because they don’t have a ball. If they do have a ball, it’s typically a bunch of plastic garbage bags wadded up and wrapped with twine and it doesn’t last very long.
As I watched the kids play, it was hard for me to think that I would be heading back to the States where I had several soccer balls in my garage just sitting there. These kids in this village had none. I thought to myself, these kids would enjoy this soccer ball far more than me. So, I walked over presented my ball as a gift.
As we prepared to leave, one of the boys brought the soccer ball back to me. I said to him, “No, this is yours. I’ve given it to you.” Immediately they ran, laughed and cheered like they had just won the lottery! For me, I loved seeing that they now had a real ball to play the game.”

According to his web site, his charity (Charity Ball) has now donated a stunning 4 thousand soccer balls to 22 impoverished countries. Two really important things I want to touch on here. One: I remember as a youth watching a television show (LA Law I think, of all things) and a child on the show was in some legal throws in which he was being pulled from both his parents. I remember being really devastated by this and later on going to my mom crying and saying I wanted to give my allowance to kids so they would never be taken from their parents. Point being, as children we are so empathetic, the examples are everywhere.

A list of 10 amazing Charities started by kids! 10 Incredible charities started by kids!

Two: Ethan was already doing something with his father on a charitable level. The reason I bring this up is that I strongly believe that we’re products of our environment. I would guess that part of the reason Ethan was able to do what he did, with this charity, is that his father was giving him positive guidance and setting an amazing example of what to do with those feelings. I think this is massively important to recognize that our youth are already poised to do amazing things, and with the right communication, skills, and direction those energies they’re bursting with can turn into incredible accomplishments.

“Be the change you wish to see in the world” –Ghandi

Here is the video I saw about this charity, it’s AMAZING!! HAPPY FRIDAY, FEEL GOODERS!!!

Friday, June 20, 2014

Furry Friends!

Happy Friday, Feel Gooders!

I’ve been having several conversations about pets recently, more specifically my own dog but it’s brought story lines to other avenues, too. My own dog is a sweet little fellow I adopted from a farm up in Kennewick WA. Porter, is a knee high mutt of the lab / terrier / border collie variety.  He’s wicked smart and like most dogs, incredibly happy to see me when I’ve been gone even a few minutes.

Pets have this incredible affect on our lives. I’m sure most of us have some special bond we’ve made with a furry creature. There is a bumper sticker I’ve seen that says something to the effect of “Please allow me to become the person my dog thinks I am.” This is not just a clever anecdote, there is really something we can learn from our pets, if we pay attention to them they can make us better people. Research has shown that most animals are capable of a greater depth of emotion and complex systems of social cooperation than humans.

An animal’s sense and connection to you will certainly teach you that they have an extremely great sense of empathy and compassion. If you’ve ever been feeling really down, cried, or been injured in front of your special pet, they know, they know goddamit and it almost brings you to tears when you see the concern they have for you on their faces. Animals work together, they’re diplomatic, they cuddle, they respect their elders and they are full of love. 

I’ll share a couple of neat stories I’ve come across recently and drop the mic. There is a Zoo in San Diego, you may have heard of it. They started a program about a year ago or so. Cheetahs are naturally timid, nervous animals with high levels of anxiety, so much in fact that it increases their risk for extinction because they get so anxious that they can’t mate (I know that feeling). Zoologists decided to try raising a few cheetahs with service dogs, and the results were amazing. The dogs make the cheetahs feels safe and secure and alleviate the tension that they typically feel; and, they’ve become amazing friends!

Link to that story here with a video

Lastly, I want to share this little video with you. This service dog is named Himalaya, she’s helping this toddler with down syndrome who has problems with touch and affection. They’re using the dog to try and encourage physical contact which Hernan, the young boy who tends to shy away from physical contact. At about 3:12 or so Hernan looks to give the dog a hug. *Q the warm fuzzy feeling*

 It’s truly inspirational to me. I hope you all have a special pet in your lives. Feel free to share with me, happy Friday to all!


Friday, June 6, 2014


Hello Friday Feel-Gooders!

I was MIA for a couple weeks and I apologize for that, I had a few things going on that needed my absolute attention… ok maybe I could have pulled it off anyhow but let’s not be too upset with me

This last weekend my great friends Chris and April were married. It was a strange situation for me as recent difficulties in my own marriage have led to me basically losing my wife last November. I didn’t really want to go at first, it was something I had to do though; not in the sense that I owe it to Chris and April, or that I felt obligated to be at their wedding… I wanted to be there, I had to go because it’s time for me to move on emotionally.

I've been walking around with this ghost on my shoulder for months now, followed by an empty space that was my companion in all things, no hand to hold, no one to share each moment and breath with. I've been beating myself up and falling into this abrasiveness of a pounding ocean tide of emotion. Facing things that I am afraid of will help me to dry land, so to speak.

Seeing and connecting with friends I had not seen in years, seeing joy on their faces to see me! And the love and energy of this wedding, and weekend, were amazingly therapeutic for me.

I love and respect all that everyone involved in this weekend did; you may not know how much this time spent meant to me…

On the way out of town we stopped for Coffee, someone had noticed my tattoo on my foot. The tattoo simply is an outline of Oregon and it says “EMMY” my wife’s (nic) name. I usually get the same reaction when I say what it is; a cringe or, an “I’m sorry”

I explained “It’s not like that for me, it brings me no grief nor will it ever, nor will I regret or feel shame in it” Point being, the person I am able to be today because of who Emily was for me is so much better than the person I would be without her. I went on to say I would tattoo her name on me today, she’s one of the most influential and important people in my life, ever, and I would honor her any day.

Part of the reason Emily left, was because of my behaviors, I was manipulative, controlling and even abusive at times. This is hard to admit out into the public air but I have no problems saying it because I am able to destroy these character demons due to being forced to face them... I didn't even know I could be this shitty person until she pointed it out, now I have been able to do the work on myself I should have been doing for years. I get to be a better person, because of her. 

Point being, these Wives, Husbands, partners or companions that we have, or even lose for that matter do things for us we gain value from on incredible levels. Acknowledging that we choose these people to be in our lives for these benefits (whether we know it or not) and telling them about it, honoring them is appropriate.

So here is to everyone in my life, who deserves honoring, I love you, I respect you and I admire you. Thank you for being my friends, my family and my companions or even my wife. Thank you for making me the better me, it’s invaluable beyond words or award and I couldn't do it without you!

I’d encourage you to examine a change in your life or character piece that was made by a loved one, and maybe let them know, it could make their day… I know you all have made mine!
