Hello Feel Gooders!
I didn’t have a specific topic to speak to today, but I’m
feeeeeling generally good which is awesome. I wanted to just put up a brief
TFFG for today then and write to you impromptu organically and from the heart.
When I started this blog back in May I wasn't really sure
what if anything would come of it. I was in a state of shock, really. Personal
emotions were lofty, stability was a shadow concept and direction was more of
poetic scribble.
I knew that I had to stick to principals because there was
an echoing mousy voice in my mind that was giving me carte blanche to be an absolute
douche bag. I narrowly escaped the possibility of suiting up into a different
life in which my pain was a badge foraged in anger, justifying my new and
unruly rage for the world.
But in reflection, meditation, love and support I was able
to hold firm to proper principals and my conscious was able to stay aligned
with my heart. More or less I've been able to make art from pain, and with all
of you at my side.
Thanks to the many, many friends and family that have been
there for me over the last year, have participated in this blog and stood for
me when I could not. Your love, your
messages and your support mean the world to me – It’s amazing each week or
entry to hear from various people on how I touched your life, or when what you say
touches mine. The variety in which this comes, the beauty it’s inspired is so
SO powerful for me, and nothing could be better.
Thank you all from the very, very bottom of my heart, your
interactions with me will never be forgotten.
“Failure comes only when we forget our ideals and objectives
and principals” –Nehru
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